Assignment 8

In the Jane Jacobs book Cities and the Wealth of Nations, Chapter 2 discusses the way that the current economic system came to be and what some of the challenges are. One of her main points is the way that GDP is currently measured. I have to agree with her on this issue because there are so many elements that are left out of a nation’s calculation of GDP that must be accounted for in order tor realize the true cost of producing and consuming products. When manufacturing anything, only the economic costs of that production are taken into account. There are no costs whatsoever of environmental damage or what that damage costs and what those costs cause down the line. Pollution is something that is not taken into account and must be. Its one of the most important aspects of manufacturing and production that has to be accounted for.

Pollution causes so many side affect. One of those effects is the health risks associated with pollution. These health problems that are harmful for humans make people sick and they have to spend money on doctors and into the healthcare system. This is something that no GDP calculation takes into account. When making a computer for example, no pollution costs from factories and the healthcare costs that the pollution brings to people living or working near that factory are not taken into account. This must changed so that we know the true costs of producing something, so that the economy will change the way it works. If producing that one computer brings so much cost, the “invisible hand” of the economy will not choose that computer because of its new costs. Once the country takes these forgotten elements into its GDP calculations, then it will be able to truly show what the costs of certain products are and stop the waste.

I also watched Another World is Possible from the 2002 World Social Forum and I am very pleased to see that there are now not only forums on economics, like there have been for so my years, but there are now these new gatherings by global leaders, activists and other people who are interested in these topics for both their local communities but also for the globe. I was surprised by the way that globalization was described by many people. It was something that was not good, it was something that threatened their jobs, their local communities, and their livelihoods. Globalization for economic purposes is one of the best things that can happen to any company. The customer base is unlimited after a company goes global. It is something that the global economy looks at and says is a good thing, while community leaders, local neighborhood groups and other activists see as something bad. It was something that opened by eyes and changed the way I see globalization. It changed my perspective.

I also watched The Zapatista Uprising (20 Years Later) and was taken aback by what happened in Chiapas in 1994. Even though my parents are from Mexico, by this time they had left the country and were living in Los Angeles, and I had never heard of this story before of this separatist community that fought for the liberation of the people in Chiapas. I think that it shows an example of what can be accomplished when people unite together for a common goal. Even though their acts were in defiance and war against the Mexican PRI led government, they banded together and showed the country that they wouldn’t stand for more federal abuses. The PRI party in Mexico is well known for its corruption and incompetence, and this was one of the final straws for this small community in Chiapas. Its also very interesting how Zapatista communities are still alive and well with their own schools, healthcare, and other aspects. It shows that an idea like theirs can become and stay alive, despite any abuses from ideals of any government.

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