Intellectual Property? Economics? Remixed! – Assignment 7

After watching the RIP! A Remix Manifesto, I have to agree with what was said in the documentary. The truth about ideas that are opened up for people to explore and built upon to progress our culture is very important and a concept that can be seen as a vehicle to the future. Ideas that people have come up with and shared with others are the way that new generations have come up with other ideas that are in our society today. This is the way ideas have been passed through generations before and how it has happened until now, that intellectual and copyright property laws are in place that don’t allow others to use their work and make it better, different, change it, and make something new, that might become that something that becomes popular. Even if it doesn’t become popular, it can become something that still affected the culture in which it is, and those ideas are worth not blocking by lawsuits and corporations.

Another idea that has come into the national spotlight and has gained attention of not just the public but of economists as well is the matter of the minimum age. I agree with California’s minimum wage raise because inflation has been rising the costs of living for all areas of a person’s life, and wages have not risen at the same rate. This is a problem and has caused many people to not pursue or do things that they might have otherwise done. This is a form of social control and has to be eased or stopped as much a possible. If economists think that there shouldn’t be an externally messing with the invisible hand that drives economics, then there also shouldn’t be any inflation that also messes with that hand and what it could or would do. If people don’t have enough money to buy things that the need or would otherwise buy, then that is also a problem, and that problem needs to be corrected. In this case, that problem is inflation and when corrected through minimum wage raises, then it will be a more stabilized method of commerce.

3 thoughts on “Intellectual Property? Economics? Remixed! – Assignment 7

  1. It is very much a vehicle to the future. I found it very insightful when Gaylor discussed medicine. It is impossible to progress in the field of medicine because people have put copyrights on really broad ideas. You can’t expand upon someones work because the very basis for your research involves someones idea. Copyright is a very degenerative concept.


  2. I agree that the regulation was wayyy too strict when it came to copyright laws… well actually… its too strict in almost all cases. It is inspiring to see the change and progress that society has made overtime as far as information and knowledge sharing, and not just locally but globally. If you can not build upon the past then where do you start?


  3. Copy right laws need to be rewritten in a way that only copying something word for word is punished by law. After all, a single word can change the meaning of an entire song. If we do not fix it, building upon the past would require a historian as an assistant.


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