Dolores Huerta: A Labor of Rights

Dolores Huerta visited Cal Poly Pomona and it was a great inspiration for many of us students. It was right before the mid term election too, which was one of the topics that she spoke about. The evening began with some mariachi music that was played by a trio.



Her story is an inspiration to many students who are trying to get their ideas across to the public and to other minorities and groups who might feel like they’re unheard or don’t matter. What happened to her and the course of her career has been such a great part of how her character has developed and how she continues to conduct everything she does.


Ms. Huerta also spoke on the importance of voting and voting rights. She explained how she was others along with Cesar Chavez, were able to work and bring to the attention of President Reagan, the issue of immigration and farm workers. They were able to introduce a bill that helped give farm workers a chance to continue to do their work, without fear that they might be deported and not be able to feed their families.

She was a great inspiration to me personally, coming from a person who is a first generation college student. She gave me new insight and will to continue to do my studies and prepare for the future career that I will have.


One thought on “Dolores Huerta: A Labor of Rights

  1. I really wanted to see Ms. Huerta speak at Cal Poly this year, unfortunately I could not make it but she is truly an inspiration. She is a fine example of how with enough organization and determination a once underrepresented group can make their voices heard to invoke real change.


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